Linking with Shane from Whispering Sweetly and her awesome 7 Deadly Sins Link-Up! This is absolutely perfect for Halloween, but also a really good time for reflection before the holiday season and especially Thanksgiving.

1. Being proud of my hard work and accomplishments
2. I can't stand being teased on intelligence. I work really hard academically and intellectually.
3. My little brother, Jimmy.
4. My husband and how proud he is to be an American and how he served his country. I'm also really proud of him and how hard he is working to obtain his college degree.
5. In my little family and what we've been able to accomplish in our almost three years together.
6. My squadron and how hard we work.
7. My mom and dad for having such a good marriage.
1. People who have jobs that they love and are not contracted to for four years.
2. Living back home in Wisconsin and having access to Madison- my favorite place ever.
3. Not having student loans (paying them back is really stressful).
4. Having a higher income.
5. Not stressing about money.
6. People who are completely content with what they have.
7. Access to good shopping, Broadway shows, and cultural events.
1. When people get burned at work.
2. When you can't count on someone's word.
3. Payday usually goes straight to bills and student loans.
4. When Ryan and I fight. The fighting itself just makes me angry.
5. When people make excuses instead of doing what's right.
6. When my job affects my personal life.
7. When the media decides they're experts on the missile career field.
1. Forgetting about chores around the house, which kind of forces Ryan to do it.
2. Sleeping in, because I love sleep.
3. Sometimes not signing up for volunteering opportunities because I want free time.
4. Spending way too much time on social media just because I like the opportunity to not think.
5. Taking the elevator, instead of the stairs at work because I can.
6. Convincing myself not to workout.
7. Anytime after alert, I feel so sluggish.
1. I shop way too much and am way too impulsive with my purchases.
2. Wanting more than I need when it comes to material possessions.
3. I have to be careful about following certain bloggers and beauty vloggers because if they post interesting products, I usually buy it. I trust their opinions, plus they're usually awesome.
4. Wanting to have a baby so badly that I'm willing to consider forcing others to take my place at work (I really struggle with this and actually have a prayer on Instapray for this).
5. Wanting Ryan to be more romantic.
6. Wanting to switch careers and live in Chicago and be doing something fabulous.
7. Sometimes caring more for personal desires than the collective.
1. Buying cupcakes whenever I please.
2. Treating myself to a new book or crafting project whenever I feel like I earned it. This happened all of the time when I was at training school.
3. Watching shows for their cute male leads, ahem Arrow's Oliver Queen.
4. Sometimes prioritizing happiness over necessity.
5. Having the time and make-up supplies to have a really good hair and make-up day.
6. I haven't done as much of this, but I used to shop online all of the time.
7. Stocking up on as many books as I possibly can. I feel like a person's personal collection books says a lot about them.

1. This usually involves Pinterest, but wishing my husband would perform some cute dating ideas.
2. Although this coordinates with Envy, sometimes when I see my friends' husbands or other bloggers' husbands doing cute things, I wish Ryan would take the initiative.
3. I miss my college body. Earlier this year, my hips expanded and it's been a struggle to adjust to a curvier figure.
4. I think my husband is hot. I always point out when I think guys or girls are good looking but my husband will always be my favorite.
5. I am so glad that I don't have to date anymore (this probably doesn't fit in this category but it deals with love, so why not?).
6. I think the human body is amazing. As athletes or just normal people, it can do amazing things. I think it's amazing when people are so dedicated and disciplined to achieving beautiful figures.
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