I just took the BookBrowse personality quiz and here were my results:
Your responses showed you fitting into two different groups - the involved reader and the eclectic reader.
You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or to a limited range of authors.
You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or to a limited range of authors.
I love to read, as you may have noticed with me being one of the co-hosts of the holiday book exchange, but I really do have a passion for finding a new book and taking in everything it has to offer.
Having trouble starting a conversation with your book partner? Recommend this survey and fill it out yourself :)
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2. What will you read next? – I have a crazy amount of books to read and right now I'm tackling The Bone Season. I just picked up The Emperor of Maladies and The Valley of Amazement. I can't wait to read both :)
3. What was your favorite childhood book? –I loved The Babysitter's Club series! My aunt found a ton of them at a book sale, so my cousin and I read through almost all of them.
4. What were your reading habits like as a kid? – I adored reading and I still do. For middle school, I went to a charter school that was kiddy-corner from one of my town's public libraries. Instead of having a school library, we would just take a weekly trip to that library and it was awesome. The librarians would recommend books and I basically devoured every read that I had from there. Those were some of my favorite memories.
5. How many books do you have checked out from the library? – I have several that are long overdue but I have a habit of checking them out from the base library since there aren't fees. It's a bad habit but with my job, which I'll use as an excuse here, I completely lose track of time and days.
6. What books do you have on hold at the library? –I have a couple that are actually ready now for digital download. Digital library books are pretty sweet.
7. Do you have a bad book habit? – I am rather impulsive when it comes to book purchases. I used to spend a ton of money on my Amazon Prime account because the books are significantly better priced than bookstores. I also used to reward myself with good training rides by visiting a local used bookstore that also sold new books.
8. Do you read one book at a time, or several? – Several :)
9. What is your favorite book you’ve read this year? –I really loved The Storyteller and Bloom.
10. What is your least favorite book you’ve read this year? - The Devil Has No Mother, I thought it was simply awful.
11. What is your reading comfort zone? – Best-sellers
12. How often do you read outside of your comfort zone? – I venture all over the place due to books being best-sellers. Earlier this year, I read more chick lit and I really enjoyed it.
13. What is your favorite place to read? –Probably while I'm on alert. It's nice to take a mental break from my job.
14. Do you lend out books? – Yes, but I'm not really a fan of it. I've never been good at sharing...unless it's food.
15. Do you dog-ear books? – Yes but I try to avoid it. Dust jackets make great impromptu bookmarks.
16. Do you write in the margins of books? –Occasionally, especially if the book offers great bits of advice or wonderful quotes that moved me.
17. What makes you love a book? – If I can't stop reading it or I feel enamored with it. A great read is hard for me to put down and so easy for me to pick right back up.
18. What will inspire you to recommend a book? – If I think the book is really good and if I can give some background as to why I think a particular person will like it.
19. What is the one book you will always recommend to everyone? – Off of the top of my head, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. That book had me crying.
20. Is there a book you love that nobody else seems to? – This is kind of reverse, I think so many people love The Alchemist but I really only liked it.
21. Do you read while you are: Eating? Taking a bath? Watching TV? Listening to music? On the computer? On the bus? –I like reading to take mental breaks, whether it's my deputy sleep shift while on alert and I love reading while I'm flying.
22. What is your favorite genre to read? –Historical fiction and young adult are pretty good, but I also really enjoy non-fiction.
23. What genre do you rarely read, but wish you read more of? –I'm not sure, I tend to jump around genres.
24. What is your favorite biography? – I think I prefer memoirs, as I can't think of a biography off of the top of my head. Bloom, I thought, was pretty phenomenal.
25. What is your favorite non-fiction? - I really enjoy a wide-range of non-fiction books.

26. Have you ever read a self-help book? –I've read Christian books covering being a better wife and having a better marriage.
27. What is your favorite reading snack? –Cold glass of water
28. What is the most inspirational book you’ve read this year? – The Art of Racing in the Rain- I love my dogs but it opened my mind to the idea of how they intake my life and what goes on it.
29. Are there any books that have been ruined for you by all the hype? – The Alchemist was pretty good but I felt like the story kept having a lull to it and after awhile I felt like the general
30. How often do you agree with critics about a book? – That depends. I really enjoy Oprah's book recommendations but sometimes her website doesn't give you any meat to it. They'll give you the first couple lines out of a book and claim it to be remarkable. At that point, all I have are a couple of sentences.
31. How do you feel about giving negative reviews? –I think it's important to give an honest review. I recently reviewed The Devil Has No Mother and it really wasn't a book for me. If you read the reviews, all people say is that "this is a great book for Christians." I 100% disagreed with that. I thought the book was so far from what God's intention was for people that it would scare people away from God rather than bring them closer. Honest book reviews are important because I would rather not waste my time and if I'm going to try a new genre, I want it to be a quality story.
32. What book are you most intimidated to begin? – Gone with the Wind, I love the movie but I always pick up the thick volume and can never seem to tackle it.
33. What book are you most likely to take on vacation with you? –Any book! I love my Kindle Fire and it's perfect for traveling :)
34. What is the longest you have gone without reading? – When I first got into missiles. I was reading technical orders and not really for fun.
35. What is a book that you just couldn’t finish? – The third book in the 50 Shades series, it was awful.
36. What is the most money you have spent on books at one time? – I recently spent $37 on two hardcover books, like a couple of days ago.
37. How often do you skim through a book before reading it? –I don't really do that.
38. Do you keep books or give them away once you’ve read them? – KEEP.
39. Are there any books that you’ve been avoiding, or refuse to read? –I avoided The Storyteller but I really loved it so I'm glad that my bookclub was reading it so I could participate.
40. What is a book you didn’t expect to like, but did? – The Storyteller was pretty darn phenomenal. I think I had been avoiding it because I didn't really know the plot or anything and I thought it was another book churned out to appease the masses. It actually has a great plot and I would definitely recommend others reading it.
41. What is your favorite guilt-free pleasure reading? – Chick lit with clumsy female characters. I love a solid happy ending.
42. What reading materials are in your bathroom right now? –A lot of make-up product labels I suppose.
43. What book do you most remember reading for school? – Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby, The Joy Luck Club, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Scarlet Letter, etc.
44. What was the last book that you couldn’t put down until you finished it? –The Storyteller
45. What book is (physically) closest to you right now? – My Kindle Fire
46. What is your favorite book series? – Harry Potter, The Hunger Games
47. What is the longest book you’ve ever read? Shortest? –
48. Who is your favorite book character? –Leo from The Storyteller, Four from Divergent
49. Who is favorite author? – Amy Tan and so many others
50. What is your favorite book? – The Great Gatsby, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Redeeming Love
Check out this fun Photo-a-Day with Book Soulmates!
Wow, quite the book post! Thanks for sharing!! And I like your updates to the blog, you are so creative!