Friday, May 10, 2013

Box O' Books

Awhile back I came across an idea that Dara had put together called Dara's Box of Books.
Excited about the opportunity, I signed up and patiently waited.
Dara recruited a list of great bloggers who would like to do a book swap on a bigger level.
She started a cardboard box filled with 13 books that she was willing to part with and then sent it to the next person.  I was third on the list and received mine a few weeks ago.
Here's what I found in my box of books:

I looked at all 13 books, read their summaries, and even checked the reviews on Amazon and here are the four that I picked:

I chose Lady in Waiting, The Radleys, Juliet, and The Postmistress.
Room was also a selection in the box and I loved the book but I already own a copy so it's off to someone else who can enjoy its storyline.

For every book that you take, you replace it.  So if you liked all 13 books, then you replaced those with 13 more. I chose four but when looking at my extensive book collection, I chose these:
The River Between Us, The Red Tent, Water for Elephants, Making it in the City, and The Five People You Meet in Heaven

If you're keeping count, you'll notice I put in five books when I only took four.  I had an extra copy of Water for Elephants in which either me or my freshman year roommate accidentally spilled coffee on.  I didn't want to put in a book with a stain on it, so I added another book to even things out.  It's still in great condition so I'm hoping someone can enjoy it or donate it to a charity that can enjoy it. 
Overall I thought it was a decent experience.  The idea is really fun and one that I enjoy, however, there's the risk that you'll get a box filled with 13 books that you don't like and you'll have to spend the money on media mail to send it someone else.  I liked the four books that I picked and am interested in getting the opportunity to read them.  However, I had zero interest in the other books that were in the box so that's 4 out of 13.  I had really hoped to see a Sophia Kinsella book because I haven't purchased one of her chick lit books.  I would like to try one especially after reading the summary for The Wedding Night.  The books that I did put in are often given really good reviews and a plethora of reading styles could enjoy them.  I would probably give the overall experience 3 out of 5 stars because the ladies were great, but I wasn't all too keen on what was put into the box.  I did however get 4 books out of the process and that's always a great thing. 

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  1. What a fun swap! If you ever do one, I would love to take part.

    1. Thanks for commenting Briana! Like Jessica said, it's kind of a "pay it forward" concept. I think it would be so fun to put together 13 books and have it mailed around. If I find a solid group of ladies (you included, of course), I might put something like this together. I think I might take a few months off from doing another book swap of the current one's size, so this might be a great alternative.

  2. This is a fun swap idea! It's a little "pay it forward" with benefits for yourself. :)

    1. Exactly! I was trying to be eloquent and kind with my explanation but I was disappointed with what books were put into the box. There is that risk that people will put in books that were just well, bad, but I think if everyone who is participating is on the same page it works out nicely.

  3. I read The Wedding Night the other weekend and it is the perfect chick lit novel! So fun.

    1. Ahh love to hear that! I was at Target and picked up a copy to read the summary. It looked like a lot of fun and something that I would enjoy. I'm participating in so many swaps lately, so this might be a great opportunity to ask for one of her books.

  4. I'm happy you found 4 books to try! Only one of those was mine originally - Juliet. I really enjoyed it and hope you do too! thanks for participating!

    1. Thank you so much for having me! The idea with these comments alone is so popular. I loved your idea and I could see from the person who previously had the box, they took almost all of your books. Thank you again for the opportunity to try out this fun swap :)

  5. That looks like a great swap. I wish I would have know. I sooo would have joined. I love books. I love passing books on. Great idea and great books.


  6. Cool! I love Water for Elephants. Hope you like the books you picked!


  7. I love that! If you do it again let me know! I would love to participate in something like this.

  8. Definitely a great idea, let me know if and when you do it, I will definitely sign up. I would even be willing to host one or something.

    1. This was actually Dara from Not in Jersey's swap but isn't it a marvelous idea? I'm not sure if she'll be doing another in the future. I would have to think about it and see if I could generate interest to do a swap like this.

  9. I started a pinterest board for just this type of exchange in case you're interested.. you can either add books with a price amount you'd like or for swap/exchange
    If you want to participate just email me your email so I can send you an invite that will allow you to post your own books as often or as many as you'd like.. Just need to get the word out :)) thanks!

  10. Hey Kim,

    I love this idea! I love it so much that I pitched the idea to my book club: Literary Junkies. Taylor loves the idea and would love to know more about it. Could you email me with more details or let me have the hoists' email?
    Thanks so much,
