With a busy life of two kids, blogging, running shop, being a PTA Mom on the Executive Board, parent volunteering at my daughter's school and more, it is difficult to be able to commit to anything extra. A lover of books and reading, I wanted to join a local book club, but because my free time isn't really spent 'freely' I was left wondering what I could do about that. So last November I formed an online book club called Thread The Pages!
Thread The Pages is a book club that makes it easy for the busy mom, dad, or anyone to still get the benefits of being a part of a book club without ever having to leave their home! Many times during meetings I am still in my jammies and nursing my baby, but I am able to actively participate in discussion! I hold 'meetings' online via the club's Facebook page on chat once a month where we discuss openly the book from that month. I chose to hold discussion this way because not every member is able to participate when the meetings are held, but because it is via chat they're able to come back to the conversation and make any comments they would like later on when they're able to.
Membership is easy; simply ask via email [afoxandawolf [at]yahoo [dot]com] to join or request to join the Facebook group.Once you join, I'll ask for you to make three book suggestions including title and author. You can do this one of three ways; send me the suggestions via email, on the Facebook group wall, or you can pin them to the group board on Pinterest. Those suggestions are added to the list and may or may not be chosen. Currently there are over 80 book suggestions that I have received so I have no problem choosing a book over the next few years!
Anyone can join and you're not required to participate every month or at all, although I would hope you want to join to actively participate most of the time! It is pretty easy going as far as membership is, but I do take this book club seriously so if you do join, please do with positive intention. There are a few guidelines as far as book suggestions and discussion go which can all be read about here. We currently just finished reading our fifth book, Stern Men by Elizabeth Gilbert and had our fifth 'meeting'. Jammies, nursing, and coffee in bed were had and the discussion, as always, great.
Much like a regular book club, the month of December we will 'take off' and instead of reading a book, I will host a book swap where any member who sign up with swap books with a partner. It's such a great way to be exposed to new books and make a more personal connection with other members in the group.
If you're interested in joining Thread The Pages, please contact me at afoxandawolf [at] yahoo [dot] com or request to join via Facebook!

Such a wonderful post...I really like your blog.^^
ReplyDeleteMaybe follow each other on bloglovin?
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets nessa
I absolutely love this! I too would love to join a local book club, but just don't have the time. :) Going to request to join the FB group. Thanks for sharing with us!