Saturday, August 18, 2012

Friday Letters


I know, it's Saturday.
But I was busy, and by busy I found these awesome iPhone games and I just..

Dear Diner Dash, Cooking Dash and Hotel Dash, your iPhone app trifecta is turning into a serious addiction.  This is not healthy.  I cooked up delicious virtual meals at a rapid speed until 3 am this morning...why dear god?  It must be in this need I have to be a people pleaser of customer service.  

Clearly my hotel service, virtual waitressing skillz, and culinary talents needed to be expressed.

Dear Neighborhood Swimming Pool,  Thank you for existing.  You are conveniently located right down the road and my husband and I have enjoyed some serious mawwaige time together while swimming.  We even bought goggles at the MCX today because clearly, diving for rings cannot be experienced properly without the use of sight underwater.

Dear Husband, You are super adorable.  Thank you for surprising me with a milkshake.  I seriously have loved our super affordable stay-at-home dates as of recently.

Dear F'real Milkshake, You are the best fast food invention of mankind.  All I have to do is insert my little milkshake cup of choice and from there I select of thickness of my soon-to-be shake.  It was scrumptious and I plan on purchasing more of you in the future.

Dear Florida Georgia Line, Thank you for making the song, "Cruise."  Both my mother and father, texted and Facebook messaged me with their insistence that I listen to the song and I love it! I plan on listening to it obsessively.

Dear Wisdom Teeth, We are not on speaking terms.  I will continually whatever the hell I want but I will just brush you on an obnoxious level.

Dear Daily's Beverages, You are like an adult Capri Sun.  A little sugary, but I've also bought a few different brand versions and I am excited to taste them all!  Ahh adulthood + marketing, you never fail me.

I hope y'all are enjoying your weekend.


  1. New follower of yours! I absolutely LOOOOOVE Florida Georgia Line! That song gets stuck in my head all the time, but I'm not complaining! :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

    1. Thanks for subscribing to my posts! I'm excited to see what they end up doing for the music video :)
